November 12, 2021



Digitizing the rural world through design

Leandro Mauricio Porras

In rural and remote areas of our countries there are many people who have not yet been able to access technology due to various reasons, however, the potential for it is there; and so, through design, we can democratize the boons of the technological era for everyone.

Leandro Mauricio Porras

Service Designer - Organization of Organizations

(They - Them)

Leandro is an innovation strategist who uses systemic design methods and tools to bring together multidisciplinary teams for the creation of value in society. A polyglot with experience in the hotel and finance industry who has learned about service design from the Western European, Pacific Asian and North American perspectives. He has worked in the areas of experience innovation & design and digital transformation of Seguros G&T, organized Service Design Drinks, Service Jams, Sustainability Jams, Gov Jams and Global Goals Jams in Guatemala and abroad; currently he teaches Design courses at the Francisco Marroquín University, is a local representative of the Latin American Food Design Network for Guatemala, and works as a UX|UI Design and Research Leader for the Digital Transformation Hub of DISAGRO Corporation.

Service Designer - Organization of Organizations

(They - Them)



Service Designer - Organization of Organizations

(They - Them)


    Service Designer - Organization of Organizations

    (They - Them)


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