November 11, 2021



Design out loud

Mariana Salgado, Paco Bravo, Darinka Buendía, Michel Ferreira

Experienced designers have long been listening to podcasts as a way to stay professionally updated. Four of us, who listen to and produce podcasts in various languages, focus on different topics. We are going to tell you about our experience podcasting. We will talk about how each of our podcasts is different, how they have evolved, how the community of Experience Designers uses them, and we will give advice to anyone who wants to make their podcast. This panel will be a live event, and those who come will have the opportunity to ask whatever they want. Pay attention and sharpen your senses for an entertaining conversation about lifelong education in informal spaces.

Mariana Salgado

Service Designer - Organization of Organizations

(They - Them)

Mariana works as a service designer at the Finnish Ministry of the Interior. She is part of the Inland Design innovation and design laboratory ( She's argentine, and in her spare time, when she is not kayaking, she does the social design podcast in Spanish: Diseño y diaspora. The podcast already has more than 250 published episodes and more than 50 dedicated to UX. She believes in networking and is part of many professional and activist collaborations. She can be seen in demonstrations supporting a cause, cooking, or reading. Yes! she likes to read so much that at some point, she did a doctorate in interaction design, specializing in how to make museums more democratic spaces. The projects that she is most passionate about are those she can design with vulnerable populations, thinking ahead with imagination and creativity.

Paco Bravo

Service Designer - Organization of Organizations

(They - Them)


Darinka Buendía


Service Designer - Organization of Organizations

(They - Them)

    Michel Ferreira


    Service Designer - Organization of Organizations

    (They - Them)

      ​​Michel Ferreira é um designer brasileiro que mora em Sydney, Austrália, onde trabalha em tempo integral como Design Manager na Atlassian, construindo o futuro de produtos como Jira. Em seus mais de 20 anos de carreira já trabalhou em empresas como Shopify no Canadá e no na Holanda. Michel também é Mentor na Careerfoundry e apresentador do podcast Latinxs Who Design. Como escritor e palestrante, Michel viajou o globo e fez inúmeras apresentações para audiências em todo o mundo.


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