November 10, 2021
Current state and evolution of research and design methods: a Latin American perspective
Diego León Vivar
Right in the middle of the pandemic, I began to employ research and design methods that I would otherwise use in a normal context, only in digital platforms now. Yet, is it right to carry out research this way?
Diego León Vivar
Service Designer - Organization of Organizations
(They - Them)
I am a service designer who wants to have a positive impact on my environment. Every day I approach this challenge from human-centered design, leading teams with the aim of understanding complex problems and delivering transformative solutions. To this end, I have spent four years as an innovation consultant, working on strategic research projects, strategy and development of digital products, service design, and social innovation for clients such as BCP, BBVA, Visa, Delosi and Facebook. Today I am part of Pacífico Seguros and I also run Filter, a development platform for traditional artisans from Peru. I have been awarded with a bronze medal by A’Design Awards, selected as representative of Peruvian design in the Ibero-American Design Biennial, and recognized by MINCETUR for my contributions to artisan innovation.